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Planning Applications
Subdivision applications
Subdivision applications are processed through
and can only be lodged by a registered Land Surveyor. For subdivisions involving development proceed below.
Planning permit process
Any material submitted with this application, including plans and personal information, will be made available for public viewing, including electronically. Copies may also be made for interested parties to review as part of a planning process.
If you have any concerns please
contact council's planning department.
Application type
ePlanning - Planning Advice
Submit a planning enquiry when you need a written response or confirmation from our Planning department.
Building Report/Information Applications and PBS Lodgements
Report and consent applications
Your application for report and consent must be accompanied by a site plan, floor plan and elevations of your proposal; the report of any relevant authority, application fees and the written acknowledgement of any affected neighbour. To gain the acknowledgement of your neighbour, you will need to complete Part A of the
Neighbours response to report and consent form
and have your affected neighbour complete Part B. The affected adjoining property owners should state that they have seen plans and documentation of the proposal, are aware of the implications of the variation and have no objections.
You may also need our consent for the demolition of most buildings and for the alteration to the facade of buildings.
Submissions by private building surveyors only
Private building surveyors can, using the application types below, notify or lodge with Council building permit activity and pay statutory fees online. The submission requires very basic data to be entered, relevant documents attached then credit card payment made.
Private building surveyors by clicking on the attached link
can search and locate their active building permits so that additional documentation can be added to the existing permit.
The following documents can be added:
Section 73 submissions - Occupancy Permits, Certificates of Final Inspections
Permit amendments, variations, extensions of time, etc
Section 125 submissions – Building Notices and building orders including the withdrawal/cancelation of those documents
Application type
Building File Information Request
2024/2025 Application Fee $125 for one (1) building and 50% of original fee for each additional building. This application fee is non-refundable and payable upon application and
covers the cost of the first copy of the requested documents if located.
If documents for additional buildings on the same property are requested an additional 50% fee is applicable for each building. Additional fees are applicable for further pages and any document larger than A3 in size. No guarantee is given to the quality of the copies provided.
Documentation is generally available for building permit records less than 25 years old but the likelihood of locating older permits is greatly reduced. Council does not hold all building records, particularly for the original construction of dwellings by the Ministry of Housing, Department of Health and Human Services and like State Government entities.
Due to the complexity of the searches required, applications may take up to 10 business days to be processed.
Work Permits
Apply for Asset Protection, Vehicle Crossing, Road Opening, Temporary Occupation, Stormwater Connection Permits and Half Cost Fencing Requests.
Application type
Asset Protection Permit
Before works begin on your property, you may require an asset protection permit.
Works include:
Construction/extension of dwelling, commercial or industrial building
Restumping or Demolition of any building
Installation of Swimming Pool & Safety Barrier
New or replacement fences abutting Council assets, ie: front/side boundary fence
Vehicle Crossing Permit
Property owners are responsible for ensuring the design and position of their new dwelling and/or garage is suitable for the site, and that vehicle access does not compromise infrastructure assets or vegetation.
Written Council approval is also required if:
A vehicle crossing already exists for the property and the new crossing would be an additional point of access. (If the existing crossing is to become redundant, then it must be removed and the kerb reinstated at the permit holder’s cost.)
A property owner wishes to widen or replace an existing vehicle crossing.
Temporary Road Occupation Permit
To temporarily occupy a place that is owned or managed by Council; this includes car parks, roads, footpaths etc. a permit is required. Works cannot start before a permit is issued.
Road Opening Permit
To excavate Council-owned land: reserve, road, or nature strip a permit is required. Works cannot start before a permit is issued.
Stormwater Connection Permit
Permit to connect your property stormwater drainage to the specified legal point of discharge.
Half Cost Fencing Application
If your property adjoins council land you may apply for half cost fencing and provide 3 written quotes.
Please select an Application Type